Ways to Save with OTIP

Insurance served your way with saving on car and home insurance

Insurance renewing in the next 60 days? Get a car or home quote from OTIP and receive a $20 gift card of your choice.* 


*Restrictions apply. Must mention gift card offer to broker on the telephone to be eligible. See details. 

 Auto Insurance

  Auto Insurance  

You may be eligible for a discount on your car insurance if you:

  • Are a member of the Ontario education community, including teachers, administrative and support staff.
  • Drive a short distance to work.
  • Are a student or a student with a driver's license lives in your household and attends school away from home.
  • Are retired.
  • Also insure your home with OTIP.
  • Own multiple cars.
  • Have been with OTIP or your immediate prior insurer for three years or more.
  • Have a clean driving record, with no traffic violations in the past three years.
  • Are a newly licensed driver and have completed a driver’s training course within the past two years.
  • Own a vehicle with an after-market ignition cut-off system or monitored alarm system.
  • Drive a hybrid vehicle.

There is no maximum on the total discount you can qualify for.

Get Started

Or call us to speak with an OTIP broker and mention the $20 gift card offer.


 Home and Property Insurance

  Home and Property Insurance  

You may be eligible for a discount on your home and property insurance if:

  • Are a member of the Ontario education community, including teachers, administrative and support staff.
  • Your home is less than 30 years old.
  • You have an exemplary claim history.
  • Your home is free of mortgages or liens.
  • Your home is protected by a monitored alarm system.
  • You have been with OTIP or your immediate prior insurance carrier for three years or more.
  • You also insure your car with OTIP.

There is no maximum on the total discount you can qualify for.

Get Started

Or call us to speak with an OTIP broker and mention the $20 gift card offer.


  Life Insurance

  Life Insurance 

Top three ways to save on life insurance:


Buy now rather than later. The younger you are, the lower your premiums will be.


Choose the right type of coverage. Term insurance products have lower premiums, so if you need protection for only a limited amount of time, term is the way to go.


Don’t smoke. Smoking affects your health, which means it affects your insurance rates. Smokers may pay up to twice as much for the same coverage as non-smokers.

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