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Take control of substance use

Let ALAViDA be a part of your journey to gain understanding or control over alcohol or substance use.

ALAViDA offers evidence-based substance use support from the privacy of your smartphone. The TRAiL is a secure platform where you can track your journey and access self-guided resources available 24/7.

All OTIP members, including RTIP, Home/Auto and Life Insurance customers have complimentary access to:

  • Substance use awareness self-assessments 

  • Self-tracking tools 

  • A personalized learning plan with iCBT modules (Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)  

  • Evidence-based resources available 24/7

No awkward conversations, no shame and 100% confidential.

Complete ALAViDA’s confidential quiz today to explore your relationship with alcohol or substances.

Try out ALAViDA’s new Craving kit to learn more about strategies for managing cravings at!


Mental Health Resources

Looking for services, tools or resources? We’ve put together a list of resources to help connect you with the resources you need.

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How can we help?