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The vacationing effect: When substance use goals get sidetracked

Written by: Jen Kunlire, Virtual Health Coach at ALAViDA

Summer is calling your name. The familiar cottage rush is making a mass exodus out of your neighborhood and that long-awaited vacation you’ve been planning is almost here. 

You want to enjoy your vacation time while staying committed to your substance use or health and wellness goals. But how? If you establish clear intentions to meet your goals in a sustainable way, you can have a good time, create lasting habits, and minimize potential negative effects or undesired consequences.

"Vacations mean a change of pace, a gentleness with ourselves, a time of rest and renewal, and a time to stretch ourselves and encounter new people, new lands, new ways, and new options." -Anne Wilson Schaef

Whatever your consumption goals or overall health and wellness goals are for this summer, implementing the following tips is a great way to elevate your vacation experience.

Setting specific goals paves the way for success 

Choose a goal that feels realistic: When it comes to getting the results you want, having vague goals or a rough idea that sounds promising doesn't always translate into actionable behaviors. Especially when unexpected circumstances arise, throwing more challenges into the mix and making it more difficult to stay on track. 

Start by thinking about manageable, realistic steps or approaches to your consumption or wellness goals that can be tracked and adjusted as needed. For example: 
Turn this - "I don't want to drink a lot during my vacation." - To this - "I will limit my drinking to "x" number of drinks per day (or week) during vacation."

Break it down into actionable steps

Now that your intention is set, you can take it a step further. Using a goal-setting outline like SMART goals or other goal management techniques, you can fine-tune your goals and scale them to fit your needs. A SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Imagine you are going on vacation and want to limit the number of drinks you have. One way to break down this goal is by outlining a plan for each day which could look like this: 

Day 1, 3, 5, and 7 you drink only 2-3 units of alcohol, plus two glasses of water between each alcoholic beverage.

On the other days, you take a break from drinking alcoholic beverages. 

Note: Typically, a "unit" of alcohol refers to a single serving, such as a standard cocktail, beer, or glass of wine (does not include double or extra-large glasses). 

A standard alcohol unit means: 12 ounces of regular beer ~ 5%25 alcohol, 5 ounces of wine ~ 12%25 alcohol, 12 ounces of cider or cooler ~ 5%25 alcohol, 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits ~ 40%25 alcohol

Transform mental notes into written reminders 

Now that you have a clear picture of how you’d like to achieve your daily consumption goals, let’s focus on how you will remind yourself while splashing on your ocean excursion.

Lists, printable calendars, or goal-monitoring apps are here to help and serve YOU. Utilize these tools. Just like you would use a social media blocking app to minimize screen time, you can use goal-oriented apps that work in the same way. 

If you’re already on the TRAiL you’ll know that ALAViDA’s tracking tool (under “Journal”) is an easy way to help you meet your targets and stay on course. 

The setback trap: overcoming obstacles and embracing progress

Even when we think our t’s have been crossed and i’s have been dotted, some challenges or setbacks may occur. For example: You set a limit of drinks for vacation, but you are feeling stressed and end up going over your limit. There is no need to punish yourself, this is a temporary setback, and you might even learn from it. 

Remember, the path to change is not linear: The pathway to change is filled with peaks, valleys, and peculiar dips before things level out.

Reframe non-productive ruminations and emotions: Reframe to stop the self-blame. If you are telling yourself “I always screw up” reframe that statement to: “I accept my mistakes and move forward by trusting my ability to grow and improve from this experience.”

Use techniques and skills from your toolbox: Continue to grow your list of tools or strategies to help mitigate triggers. Review them often and modify them where needed.

  • For example: You feel frustrated while going through a busy airport and feel the urge to drink. Instead, you find a quiet place away from any triggers to read or watch a movie away.
  • For example: Before going to a party, let your friends know you are not drinking or limiting your consumption, and have appropriate beverages on hand such as your favourite pop or sparkling water. 


ALAViDA can help you build your toolbox

ALAViDA’s iCBT modules (internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) are one of the primary support options provided, along with optional group coaching and tracking tools available through the TRAiL platform. Together, these resources can help you change your relationship with alcohol and other substances and make lasting improvements to your overall well-being. 

Ready to build your toolbox? All OTIP members, including RTIP, Home/Auto, and Life Insurance customers have complimentary access to the ALAViDA TRAiL.

Note: The language surrounding substance use is constantly evolving. At ALAViDA we focus on non-judgemental language. While we work to break down stigma, please note that some of these references may include language such as "relapse, abuse, or sobriety".


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