Enrolment help for new members

Enrolment Help

Looking for help with your enrolment?

Welcome to your employee group benefits plan!

If you received an enrolment email from OTIP, you can enrol yourself and/or your eligible family members in your employee group benefits plan. To make sure you get the coverage you need, you must enrol by the deadline indicated in the enrolment email.

If you do not enrol by the deadline, you will have limited or no coverage.

If you choose to enrol yourself and/or your eligible family members after the deadline, proof of good health (evidence of insurability) may be required. Coverage will be subject to approval by the insurance carrier and may be denied and/or limited. If coverage is approved, your coverage will become effective on the date of approval, not your date of employment.

Ready to enrol? Let’s get started!

The expandable tabs below will help you navigate the enrolment process from start to finish. Read the tabs in order, following the instructions to help you complete your enrolment.

  • Be sure to have your enrolment email handy.
  • If you are required to pay a portion or all of your benefit costs, you will need your banking information.
  • When you log in for the first time, you will need to change your password and set up security questions.
  • Once you have logged in to OTIP’s secure member site, you can access your benefits booklet in My Library for more information about your benefits coverage.

Step 1: Log in to OTIP’s secure member site


1.1  Click Log in on the top right corner of the page.

1.2  Select Health and Dental from the drop-down menu.

SSO homepage

1.3  Enter your log in information (OTIP Identification Number can be found in your enrolment email).


When you log in for the first time, you will need to change your password and set up security questions. The following message will also appear. Click Next to continue. You will be transferred automatically to My Benefits to start your enrolment.


You can skip the instructions in Step 2: Select My Benefits and go directly to Step 3: Start your enrolment event.



Step 2: Select My Benefits


After you have logged in, you will see the following options:

  • My Benefits is used to enrol into the benefits plan and manage your coverage and what premiums you are responsible for paying (if applicable).
  • My Claims is used to submit your claims for reimbursement and check the status of your claims.
  • My Library allows you to access important benefits plan related documents and resources.
  • My News provides you with updates, reminders and news related to your benefits plan.


2.1  Click Go to My Benefits.

SSO homepage

Step 3: Start your enrolment event


On the My Benefits home page, if you have any pending activities to complete, they will be listed in the Here are some things you need to do next: box.

3.1  Click Start under New Hire/Newly Eligible.

3.2  Click Continue when you see the Restart an event message.

Examples - Massages

NOTE: If you had started and did not complete your enrolment and want to keep what you started, click Modify to continue.


Step 4: Complete the New Hire/Newly Eligible event


To enrol in the benefits plan, you will complete the following steps in the New Hire/Newly Eligible event:

  1. Family
  2. Extended Health Care
  3. Dental Care
  4. Life & AD&D Insurance
  5. Beneficiaries
  6. Complete your enrolment

To process your enrolment, you must complete all the steps (A to F).


A. Family


The first step is to add who is covered under the plan.

If you are not adding any family members, click Next. You will automatically be set up with default coverage. You can go to the B. Extended Health Care tab for more instructions.

To add an eligible family member or if you do not see them in the list, click Add Family Member.

TIP: Who is an eligible family member? Check your benefits booklet.



When adding an eligible family member, be sure to enter the following information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Relationship (choose from drop-down menu)
  • Sex (choose from drop-down menu)
  • Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)
  • Additional Coverage Information (choose the benefit that the other plan will also cover)

TIP: Co-ordinating your benefits is an important step when setting up your benefits to maximize your coverage. If you have more than one family benefits plan, co-ordination could mean you get more money back for your health and dental costs.


NOTE: Depending on your benefits plan, you may be required to provide smoker status.  

  • Click Save once you have entered all the information. You can review your Family list.

Once you have added all your family members, click Next to add Extended Health Care for you and/or your eligible family members.  

B. Extended Health Care


In Extended Health Care, you can add/change your coverage for yourself or your family members, as per the terms and conditions of your benefits plan.

When you start your enrolment, the checkmark on the card indicates the default coverage you have as per your benefits plan.

The example below shows that this member has No Coverage.


To accept your default coverage:

  • Click Next to add Dental Care for you and/or your eligible family members.
  • Go to the C. Dental Care tab for more instructions.

To change coverage:

  • Go to the BB. Extended Health Care continued tab for more instructions.

BB. Extended Health Care continued



To change coverage:

  • Click Select under the Covered card.
  • Click Recalculate.
  • Click the box beside each name that you want to have Extended Health Care. (NOTE: If you select two or more people, you will have Family coverage.)
  • Click Recalculate again to get the new cost per month with this coverage selection.

Based on a member’s work status, full-time equivalent, funding arrangement and/or benefit selections, the examples below show where a member will pay a monthly premium cost (excluding taxes) or there will be no cost to them.




  • Click Next to add Dental Care for you and/or your eligible family members.
  • Go to the C. Dental Care tab for more instructions.

C. Dental Care


Dental Care works the same way as Extended Health Care.

In Dental Care, you can add/change your coverage for yourself or your family members, as per the terms and conditions of your benefits plan.

When you start your enrolment, the checkmark on the card indicates the default coverage you have as per your benefits plan.

The example below shows that this member has Single coverage.


To accept your default coverage:

  • Click Next to view Life & AD&D Insurance.
  • Go to the D. Life & AD&D Insurance tab for more instructions.

To change your dental coverage:

  • Go to the CC. Dental Care continued tab for more instructions.

CC. Dental Care continued


To change coverage:

  • Click Select.
  • Click Recalculate.
  • Click the box beside each name that you want to have Dental Care. (NOTE: If you select two or more people, you will have Family coverage.)
  • Click Recalculate again to get the new cost per month with this coverage selection.

Based on a member’s work status, full-time equivalent, funding arrangement and/or benefit selections, the examples below show where a member will pay a monthly premium cost (excluding taxes) or there will be no cost to them.




  • Click Next to view Life & AD&D Insurance.
  • Go to the D. Life & AD&D Insurance tab for more instructions.

D. Life and AD&D insurance


In Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance, you can add/change your coverage for yourself or your family members, as per the terms and conditions of your benefits plan.

When you start your enrolment, you will see the default coverage as per your benefits plan.

The example below shows that this member has Basic Life and Basic AD&D insurance only.


Depending on your benefits plan, you may be eligible to add Optional Life insurance (e.g. Member, Spouse and/or Child*). Optional Life insurance is 100% member paid and may require proof of good health (evidence of insurability). If you are eligible for this coverage, you will be able to add/change it in this step. You can also check your benefits booklet.

*To add Child Optional Life, you must do this within 31 days of your child(ren) being eligible (i.e. when you become eligible for coverage or the birth/adoption of your child). This benefit cannot be added after the 31 days, even with proof of good health (evidence of insurability).

To add Optional Life:

  • Choose an amount from the drop-down menu under each insurance.
  • Click Recalculate. The Optional AD&D insurance will change automatically based on your Optional Life selections.

If you are asked to provide smoker status, click Provide smoker status.

  • You are a ‘smoker’ if you have used tobacco products in any form including cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars or a pipe within the last 12 months.
  • Depending on your benefits plan, you may have provided this information already in the Family step.
  • If this information has already been provided, choose Disclosed from the drop-down menu and click Save.
  • If not, choose Not disclosed and click Save.
  • Once you have added your Optional Life, click Next to add Beneficiaries.
  • Go to the E. Beneficiaries tab for instructions.

E. Beneficiaries


You will now add a beneficiary designation(s) for your life insurance.

By naming your beneficiary (or beneficiaries), you can protect yourself and your loved ones and ensure that your wishes will be met upon your death. If a beneficiary(ies) is not designated by you on your group life insurance benefits, the proceeds from your policy will be paid to your estate and may be subject to probate laws.

To add a new beneficiary:

  • Click Actions. If you want to add a contingent beneficiary, click on the radio button for Display contingent allocations. To learn more about contingent beneficiaries, visit our Help Centre.


  • In the Add a Beneficiary box, make a selection and click Next.
  • Go to the EE. Beneficiaries continued tab for more instructions for each beneficiary selection.

EE. Beneficiaries continued


Based on the selection of which type of beneficiary is being added, follow the instructions in the IF/THEN chart below:




Add a New Beneficiary

Add the requested information.

Click Save.

For each beneficiary, enter the percentage for each life insurance option.

For each life insurance option, the Total must equal 100%.

If the Total does not equal 100%, you will receive an error message. You will not be able to move to the next step until the Total is 100%.



Choose a Family Member

Choose a name from the Select a Dependant drop-down list.


Add the requested information.

Click Save.

For each beneficiary, enter the percentage for each life insurance option,

To add another beneficiary, click Actions and repeat steps above.

For each life insurance option, the Total must equal 100%.

If the Total does not equal 100%, you will receive an error message. You will not be able to move to the next step until the Total is 100%.






Designate Your Estate

Enter 100% under each life insurance.

For each life insurance option, the Total must equal 100%.

If the Total does not equal 100%, you will receive an error message. You will not be able to move to the next step until the Total is 100%.

  • Once you have added your beneficiaries, click Next to go to Complete your enrolment.
  • Go to the F. Complete your enrolment tab for instructions.

F. Complete your enrolment


You are almost done.

Banking information (if applicable)
Depending on your benefits plan or selections, you may be required to pay a portion or all your benefit costs through payroll deductions or your bank account. If you are paying through your bank account, you will need to provide your banking information.

  • Click Enter your chequing/savings account information to set up pre-authorized debits.
  • Once you have entered your banking information, click Save.

IMPORTANT: Providing your banking information in My Benefits to pay for your benefits is different than entering your banking information in My Claims for direct deposit for your claims. Banking information provided for your health and dental claim payments in My Claims is not authorized for premium payments.


Required forms (if applicable)
Depending on your benefit selections, you may need to complete specific forms (e.g. beneficiary designation, proof of good health (evidence of insurability)).

Summary of your enrolment selections
You can view and verify your selections for: Family Members, Your coverage, and Cost Summary.

In Your coverage, you can find your benefits start date and review each of your benefit selections by clicking on the benefit (e.g. Extended Health Care) to see more details.


In your Cost Summary, you will see costs (including sales tax):

  • Monthly trust cost (amount paid by the Employee Life and Health Trust)
  • Your monthly premium cost (amount paid by you)
  • Annual Taxable Benefits (amount you claim in your income tax — can also be found on your T4A tax slip)

TIP: You can go back and change any of your benefits (i.e. Extended Health Care, Dental Care, Life & AD&D Insurance) and beneficiaries at any time before you click Complete Enrolment.

To submit your enrolment selections, you need to agree to the Terms and Conditions.

  • Read full terms and conditions.
  • Click I agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  • Click Complete Enrolment. (NOTE: If you do not click Complete Enrolment, your benefit selections will not be processed.)


Congratulations! You have completed your enrolment.

In the Enrolment Confirmed message:

  • You can download your enrolment summary to print or save a copy.
  • Be sure to complete the items listed in To do. You can also access these forms on the My Benefits home page.
  • Click Take me home to go back to the My Benefits home page.

Benefits start date: You can find your benefits start date in Your coverage.


Benefit costs (if applicable): Depending on when we receive your information from the school board and when you complete the enrolment, your monthly premium costs (as seen in the Cost Summary) will be retroactive to the first day of your benefits start date.

For example, if your benefits start date is February 4 and your monthly premium is $50, your total premium payment in March will be $100.

Claims: Please wait three business days after you have completed your enrolment to submit eligible health and dental claims. You can submit claims with dates of service on or after the benefits start date indicated in Your coverage.

Questions? If you need help with your enrolment, need to make a change to your completed enrolment or have more questions, please contact OTIP Benefits Services at 1-866-783-6847.




OTIP Member Login

I'm a first-time user, how do I log in to my health and dental plan?



If your benefits are provided through your employee group benefits plan:

You should have received an email inviting you to register for OTIP's secure member site. If you did not, or cannot locate this email, please call us at 1-866-783-6847.

If you are an RTIP/ARM member:

  1. Click on the Log in button.
  2. Select RTIP/ARM (for retired members) from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click register in the “You must be registered to log in” box.
  4. Enter in the requested information, including the Plan contract number and Member certificate, which can be found on your benefits card.
  5. Create and verify a password. It’s a good idea to write down your password and keep it in a safe place.
  6. Review and accept the Terms and Conditions and click Submit.

What do I do if I’m having trouble logging in?



There are two things we encourage you to do:

  1. Clear your cache.
  2. Remove a saved password.

Clearing your cache

If you are encountering difficulties logging into OTIP’s secure member site, we recommend you try clearing your cache and refreshing your page. To clear your cache, press Ctrl+F5 (PC) or Command+Option+E (Mac).

Removing a saved password

If you have your current password saved to log into OTIP’s secure member site, you will need to update it for your new plan before you can log in. To remove a saved password, please follow the directions below for whichever browser you are using.

  1. Click on the menu in the top-right corner of your window.
  2. Click on “Settings”.
  3. In the “Autofill” section, click the “Passwords” link.
  4. Click on the menu on the right side of the site with the password you’d like to remove and click “Remove”.
  1. Click on the menu button at the top right corner of the page.
  2. Click on “Passwords”.
  3. Select the site with the password you’d like to remove and click “Remove”.
  1. Click “Preferences” from the menu bar at the top of the screen. If your menu bar is not visible, press the ALT key to make it appear.
  2. Select the “Autofill” tab.
  3. Click the “Edit” button under Usernames and Passwords.
  4. Select the site with the password you’d like to remove and click the “Delete” button.
Chromium Edge
  1. Click on the menu in the top right corner of your window.
  2. Click on “Settings”.
  3. In the “Profile” section, click the “Passwords” link.
  4. In the “Saved passwords” section, select the site with the password you’d like to remove and click “X”.
Internet Explorer (IE)
  1. Click on the gear wheel icon in the top right corner.
  2. Click on “Safety” in the menu.
  3. Click on “Delete browsing history” in the submenu.
  4. Select “Passwords” from the list.
  5. Click on “Delete”.

I have been locked out of my account, or my account has been suspended. How do I regain access?


If you are registering for the first time and have locked your account, contact OTIP Benefits Services technical help line at 1-888-521-0023 and they will assist you.

If you are a returning user who has already registered and you have been locked out of your account after three unsuccessful password attempts, you can unlock it by selecting the ‘Forgot password’ link and following the instructions. You will need to provide answers to the security questions you set during your registration or enter an authentication code that will get sent through your email or phone number you have provided. If you need assistance, please contact OTIP Benefits Services at 1-888-521-0023.

If you answer your security questions incorrectly and have suspended your account, you will need to contact OTIP Benefit Services at 1-888-521-0023 to regain access.

I am having trouble creating a new password for the OTIP's secure member site. Why are there so many requirements?


OTIP respects the privacy of its members and continually works to protect it. The personal information shared with us, stays with us. Protecting our members’ privacy means we keep your information in strict confidence.

As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure your privacy is fully respected, we have developed policies and procedures aimed at protecting your personal information. Strong passwords are important measures to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information.

What does OTIP’s secure member site give me access to?


Logging in to OTIP’s secure member site, you can access My Claims, My Benefits, My News and My Library.

My Claims allows you to make and submit health and dental claims, check the status of a claim already submitted, and provides access to your benefits booklet. You can also sign up for direct deposit and electronic claim statements through My Claims.

My Benefits is not only where you complete your initial benefits enrolment, it is also where you will make changes to your benefit coverage after a life event, like getting married or having a baby. My Benefits makes it easy to review your coverage, add a dependant, update your beneficiary designations or add banking information (if required).

My Library allows you to access important benefits plan related documents and resources.

My News provides you with updates, reminders and news related to your benefits plan.

I completed my initial registration and enrolment. How do I log in to OTIP’s secure member site to access My Benefits and My Claims?


To access OTIP’s secure member site, click on Log in at otip.com and select Health and Dental from the drop-down menu.

You can log in using your OTIP Identification Number, date of birth, and the password you set when you registered. After you have logged in, you can access My Claims, My Benefits, My News and My Library


What should I do if I forgot my password?


How do I send an email to OTIP Benefits Services?


If you have not completed your enrolment in your benefits plan, you can contact OTIP Benefits Services online by filling out the form on our Contact us page.

NOTE: As we are unable to securely authenticate members who send information through the Contact Us form, and because we are committed to protecting your personal information, we are unable to provide a detailed response by return email. If you have a specific question about your coverage prior to your enrolment, please call OTIP Benefits Services at 1-866-783-6847.

If you have completed your enrolment, you can send us a note through My Claims.

If I have an existing OTIP ID number, can I use the same password to log in to OTIP’s secure member site?


If you receive an enrolment email and you have already enrolled using the OTIP ID number in that email, you can use the same password to log in to OTIP’s secure member site.

My Benefits

How do I make a change to my personal information (e.g., name, address)?


Your personal information, such as your name and address, comes to OTIP directly from your school board. Please contact your school board if you require a change to this information. Your school board will then provide OTIP with updated information that will be automatically corrected in My Benefits within 10 days.

I added my eligible family members during my benefits enrolment. Is there anything else I have to do to ensure they are covered?


Adding your eligible family members is an important first step, but ensuring each of them has the coverage you want is just as critical. It is important you review the Extended Health Care and Dental Care coverage options carefully.

If the coverage option is pre-selected to ‘covered’, you will already see yourself, and any eligible family members, covered under this benefit. You will need to validate that these are the people you want covered under this benefit. You can add or remove family members by clicking on ‘Change who is covered’.

If you have completed your enrolment but realize that you have not added coverage or forgot to add a dependant, please call benefit services within 31 days to avoid missing the enrolment opportunity window.

How do I update my preferred email address?



It is important to choose an email address you check regularly to ensure you don’t miss any important communications about your benefits plan.

Updating your preferred email address in My Benefits does not change your email address in My Claims.

What if I don’t complete my enrolment in the benefits plan by the deadline?


If you do not enrol by the deadline, you will have limited and/or no coverage.

If you would like to enrol yourself and/or your eligible family members after the deadline, proof of good health (evidence of insurability) may be required. Coverage will be subject to approval by the insurance carrier and may be denied and/or limited. If coverage is approved, your coverage will become effective on the date of approval, not your date of employment.

How do I ensure my overage child is covered under my benefits plan?


The first part of the enrolment process requires you to review and edit your family information.

If you have a child(ren) listed under your benefits plan, please click Edit under each one to review and ensure all their information is correct.

If you have a child between the ages of 21 and 24* covered under your plan, you must confirm their full-time student status by checking the appropriate box.

Each school year, OTIP will send you a notice to confirm your child’s eligibility to maintain their coverage under your plan.

*Check your benefits booklet to confirm the maximum age for your child.

Beneficiary Designation

How do I designate a beneficiary(ies) for my group life coverage?


How do I update or make changes to my beneficiary designation for my group life coverage?



If you are covered under an employee group benefits plan, please follow these steps:

  1. Click Log in.
  2. Select Health and Dental from the drop-down menu and log in.
  3. After you have logged in, click My Benefits.
  4. Under Enrol / Make Changes click View Details.
  5. Under Any Time Change, click Start next to Beneficiary Change Event.
  6. Click Edit next to your designated beneficiary(ies) to make changes.
  7. Designate the appropriate percentages for your life benefits and ensure the total equals 100%.
  8. Click Next to review your beneficiary designation selection(s) for accuracy.
  9. Scroll down to review and check the Terms and Conditions and your Electronic Beneficiary Approval.
  10. Click Complete Enrolment to confirm your beneficiary change event and to download your enrolment summary.

NOTE: If you have irrevocable beneficiary designations, minor beneficiary designations, or proxy enrolments (for example, when an OTIP employee completes a beneficiary designation on your behalf), you will be required to print the Beneficiary Designation form. You must print, complete and sign the Beneficiary Designation form and return per the mailing instructions on the form by the Provide by date indicated in My Benefits. Ensure you complete the Trustee Appointment section of the form if a minor beneficiary designation was made.

What happens if I don’t complete my beneficiary designation?


Naming your beneficiary is a BIG decision, and a critical part of your group life insurance benefits. It is one of the most important things you do when you enrol in a new employee group benefits plan, or if you have a life event like getting married or divorced.

If you do not designate a beneficiary designation, then:

  • Policy proceeds may not be directed to your desired up-to-date beneficiary (e.g. spouse);
  • Payment of the proceeds will be delayed as a result of the proceeds becoming part of your estate and subject to probate laws;
  • Added probate and legal costs will be incurred and there will be income tax implications depending on your relationship with the beneficiary.

How do I confirm that my beneficiary designation has been received by OTIP or updated in My Benefits?


If you are covered under an employee group benefits plan, please follow these steps:

  1. Click Log in.
  2. Select Health and Dental from the drop-down menu and log in.
  3. After you have logged in, click My Benefits.
  4. Click View benefit selections from the home page and select the Beneficiariestab.
    • If your beneficiaries are listed and they are correct, no action is required
    • If your beneficiaries are not on file, simply follow steps in How do I designate my beneficiary(ies)?

Co-ordination of Benefits

What does co-ordinating benefits mean?


Co-ordinating your benefits helps to maximize your coverage to reduce out-of-pocket expenses by allowing you and your dependants to submit eligible expenses under more than one plan. If a member’s family members have coverage under another plan (i.e. their spouse’s) the plans can work together to cover up to 100% of eligible costs.

Although the plan provides 100% coverage on many covered expenses, it is important that we take advantage of co-ordinating benefits to help manage overall costs. Every $1 of benefit that is paid by another program is an additional $1 that remains in the program for the benefit of all members.

Learn more about how co-ordinating benefits works and how to set it up.

When do I need to contact OTIP Benefits Services about co-ordination of benefits? 


There are a handful of special circumstances where a member will need to contact OTIP to ensure that co-ordination of benefits is applied appropriately, such as:

  • When parents are divorced or separated, the parent with full custody would normally be considered first payer. When there is joint custody, standard co-ordination of benefits applies.
  • When a student is covered under a student health and dental plan. Student health and/or dental plans are always considered first payer for that student.
  • When both primary and secondary policies are with Manulife, please contact Benefits Services to provide the plan number and identification number of both policies to allow claims to be automatically co-ordinated between both plans.

My Claims

How do I access My Claims?


Connecting to My Claims will give you access to your benefits booklet, online claims submission, and the status of existing claims. Here you can also learn about specific drug coverage, print a copy of your benefits card and set up direct deposit.

  1. Click Log in.
  2. Select Health and Dental from the drop-down menu and log in.
  3. After you have logged in, click My Claims.

As a first-time user of My Claims, you will be asked to enter your Plan Number and OTIP Identification number which can be found on your benefits card. Then click Go to My Claims.

I got my benefits card in the mail; does that mean I’m now enrolled?


If you registered on OTIP’s secure member site and selected Extended Health Care during your enrolment, then yes, your initial plan enrolment is complete.

If you have not taken these steps, then your benefits card only means that you have been defaulted to whatever coverage information OTIP received from your employer or the default coverage based on the terms of your new plan (this can include no coverage). It is critical that during your benefits enrolment period you complete your online benefits enrolment to ensure all of your coverage and eligible family member information is correct, and that you designate a beneficiary.

For assistance please call our Benefits Services team at 1-866-783-6847.

When can I submit claims under my new plan?


You will be able to submit claims for expenses incurred on or after your benefits start date. After you have completed your enrolment, your benefits start date can be found in your enrolment confirmation message and enrolment summary.

If you have not completed your online enrolment by the deadline in your enrolment email, you and/or your eligible family members may not have the coverage you need.

Therefore, it is extremely important that you complete your enrolment as soon as possible. Verifying your coverage information and your optional coverage options will ensure that you continue to receive the benefit coverage you need and avoid any possible denial of claims (e.g. at your dentist’s office or pharmacy).

What do I do with claims incurred before my new plan begins?


Eligible expenses incurred while the plan was active are required to be submitted anywhere from 0-90 days after coverage ends at midnight on the last day of your current plan. ELHT members can contact OTIP and CUPE members can contact Canada Life to confirm how long you have to claim eligible expenses under your current plan.

Please keep in mind that online claims submission under your current plan may not be available to you once plan coverage ends.

How do I access my claims history under my old plan?


You may not have access to your online claims history under your old benefits plan once your plan coverage terminates. Therefore, before your new plan coverage begins, you are advised to print off a copy of your claims history and keep track of any outstanding claims being processed under your previous plan.

If you require your claims history information following the termination date of your plan coverage, you will need to call the plan insurer to request a copy be mailed to you.

How do I sign up for direct deposit for my claim payments?

  1. Click Log in.
  2. Select Health and Dental from the drop-down menu and log in.
  3. After you have successfully logged in, click My Claims.
  4. Select Update my banking information under the My profile section.

Why do I need a password for OTIP’s secure member login as well as My Claims?


The password you set when you registered through OTIP’s secure member site is the password you will use whenever you want to access My Claims or My Benefits. It is the only password you require to log in.

As part of your initial enrolment through My Claims, you were asked to provide an additional password specific to that site. While this password is a requirement of My Claims, it would only be used in the extreme situation that OTIP’s secure member login page is inaccessible. You would then be able to use this additional password to access the My Claims site directly, through direct access to the insurer’s website.

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