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How to prevent wind damage to your home

High winds can be a dangerous, and costly, instance of extreme weather. Though none of us can control the weather, there are some actions that home owners can take to help minimize their potential losses in the event of a wind storm.

This Fall, focus on gratitude

Fall is a season of change, from the colours of the trees to the weather, but Fall also brings a very special holiday, Thanksgiving. It’s a time to show gratitude while spending time with loved ones and enjoying a delicious dinner. Did you know that there are health benefits to being thankful and showing gratitude in your daily routine?

Stop! What to do when you see flashing lights on the road

Whether you’re a new driver, or are seasoned on the road, seeing flashing lights out of the corner of your rearview mirror can be a little nerve-wracking. Brush up on the steps you should take the next time: you encounter a vehicle with flashing lights while driving:

5 reasons you should consider unplugging

Between texts, emails, phone calls, calendar alerts and notifications from multiple social media platforms, being connected can seem like a full-time job. So much so that it’s easy to forget that an off switch even exists.

How to deal with floods

Floods are a common – and often costly – natural hazard in Ontario that can happen at any time of year. Overland water flooding can be caused by melting snow, ice jams, fresh-water hurricanes, breaking dams and heavy rainfall that oversaturates the ground. Summer thunderstorms in particular can pose a major flood risk in Canada.

Top 3 travel insurance myths debunked

Travel insurance can be tough to understand, and if you’re not reading the fine print, your coverage decisions could be influenced by unproven myths1. Here are the top three travel insurance myths and how the coverage included in all RTIP* plans can help you.

Medical marijuana: What you need to know

Effective October 17, 2018, Canada will be the first G7 country to federally legalize recreational marijuana. This has put a spotlight on medical marijuana and its effect on group benefits plans. Any changes to group benefits plans are determined by each plan sponsor.

5 summer road trip safety tips

Planning a family road trip this summer? Road trips can be a fun, affordable and convenient travel option that provide you with the opportunity to make some unforgettable memories along the way.

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