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What does it mean to mitigate your damages?

What happens when disaster strikes? Whether the big oak tree in your front yard has fallen due to heavy winds, or you have water damage caused by a broken pipe, it’s important to know what your next steps should be to ensure the damages will be covered by your insurance policy.

What you need to know about the Ontario Drug Benefit program at 65

Turning 65? As an Ontario resident, this means that you will qualify for the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program, and can enjoy the flexibility of different plans offered by Retired Teachers Insurance Plan (RTIP).

Volunteering during retirement

The image of retired life has come a long way from that of a white-haired couple holding hands on reclining patio chairs. With Canadians generally living longer,1 retirement is becoming a more active phase of life. Your retirement gives you the opportunity to dedicate your time to causes and interests that are meaningful to you.

The benefits of being outside

Canadians only have a few months out of the entire year when we can go outside and enjoy our country’s natural beauty – without having to bundle up first. That being said, spending time outdoors is much more than just a rare opportunity. There are actually many health benefits associated with enjoying some fresh air and natural sunlight.

Exciting enhancements to My Claims!

Thanks to recent enhancements to the My Claims section of the OTIP secure member login, it is easier than ever to submit your claims online.

Travel coverage: What you need to know

Planning for your vacation shouldn’t include worrying about whether you are covered in case of an emergency. Understanding what benefits coverage you already have is the first step in helping to determine if you need additional insurance for your next trip.

Helping to prevent benefits fraud

Benefits fraud impacts everyone in the benefits plan. Over time, it can lead to increased costs and reduced coverage. Learning what you can do to help prevent benefits fraud and abuse of your plan is an important step in ensuring sustainable benefits coverage for you and your family.

Welcome to Your Benefits!

Welcome to the first edition of Your Benefits! This new e-newsletter is designed to provide you with relevant and meaningful information about your group benefits plan. We know how important benefits coverage is to you and your family, and we are here to help!

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