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How to break the cycle of stress and bad sleep

Research has shown that there is a close connection between stress and sleep. For some of you this can feel like a vicious cycle.

Owning a hybrid or electric vehicle in Ontario has its perks

When you drive a hybrid or electric vehicle (EV), you’re taking an important step in sustainable transportation. It’s a simple way to reduce air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and your carbon footprint, plus it comes with extra benefits and savings in your pocket.

Does your family have coverage?

Find out how and when you are eligible to add family members to your plan.

Coping with diabetes distress

Living with and managing all the pieces of diabetes can be challenging. OTIP has compiled a list of diabetes resources to help you connect with the resources you need.

Diabetes Awareness Month: Understand the signs and how diabetes is diagnosed

Around 3.4 million Canadians have diabetes or prediabetes. Every three minutes, another Canadian is diagnosed with diabetes. OTIP has compiled a list of resources to help you connect with the resources you need.

How to prepare your vehicle for winter in Canada

While harsh winters are an unavoidable reality of life in Canada, there are steps you can take to prevent damage to your vehicle and to keep you safe on the road. Here’s a list of 7 things you can do to get your vehicle winter ready.

How these 4 common driving infractions may impact your insurance premiums

While we all do our best to follow the rules of the road, sometimes even the most seasoned drivers find themselves on the other side of a traffic stop. Let’s take a look at some of the most common driving infractions and how they might affect your insurance premiums.

Be your home’s hero against natural hazards

Some types of claims are beyond our control. However, some losses can be prevented. Here are some of the most common home insurance claims and straightforward steps you can take to protect your property.

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